Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (2024)

An Ancient prophecy foretelling Flameheart’s rebirth has cast a wave of fear across the Sea of Thieves. However, before Flameheart can return, a Herald of the Flame must rise. Who or what is this Herald of the Flame?

That’s what Belle is trying to figure out! She has a hunch that Stitcher Jim is somehow involved and made her way to his old abandoned hideout to investigate further. Unfortunately, Stitcher Jim didn’t leave many answers behind, but Belle hopes we can trace his steps through The Devil’s Roar to uncover his last known whereabouts.

We must find out if Stitcher Jim is entangled in this ominous prophecy before Belle can act. To help Belle track down the notorious swindler, you’ll want to take on The Herald of the Flame Adventure!

How to complete The Herald of the Flame

To complete The Herald of the Flame Adventure, you must follow Stitcher Jim’s trail to Molten Sands Fortress. After confronting the Herald of the Flame, speak with Belle to complete the Adventure and unlock Stitcher’s Stitches.

To earn the Quencher of the Flame title, you’ll need to complete all seven Deeds for the Adventure. You can see the seven Deeds and your progress towards them in the Adventure Tab.

There are no Checkpoints for this Adventure, so you’ll need to complete each Chapter in one session.

The Herald of the Flame Adventure will be available to all pirates from October 13th to October 27th, 2022. Unfortunately, after October 27th, you will not be able to partake in the Adventure and earn the two Mementos.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (1)

The Herald of the Flame: Step by Step

Step 1: Start The Herald of the Flame Adventure

To start The Herald of the Flame Adventure, you’ll need to speak to Larinna at any active Outpost across the Sea of Thieves. You can find her just outside the Tavern.

Once you have found Larinna, speak with her. You’ll see several different dialogue options you can select. Choose the last option, BEGIN ADVENTURE, to let her know you are ready to start.

It’s important to note that you cannot start the Adventure if you are actively doing a Tall Tale. You can also cancel the Adventure if you need to via your ship’s Voyage Table like you would a voyage or Tall Tale.

As soon as you choose the BEGIN ADVENTURE option, you will start Chapter One of the Adventure!

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (2)

Step 2: Sail to Liar's Backbone

After starting Chapter One, Larinna will inform you that Belle needs your help on Liar’s Backbone. Larinna doesn’t know why, but it might have something to do with the notorious Stitcher Jim.

If Belle is asking for us, it must be important. So, board your ship, raise anchor, and set sail for Liar’s Backbone! You can find Liar’s Backbone in The Wilds at the map coordinates S11.

Once there, you’ll find Belle in Stitcher Jim’s old hideout.

Step 3: Enter Stitcher Jim's old hideout

Once you arrive at Liar’s Backbone, park your ship on the Eastern beach by Belle’s buoy. Then, hop onto the island and walk up the hill to the West. You are looking for a giant stone door blocking the entrance to a cave. Once you find it, interact with the lever just to the left of the door.

After you pull the lever, the door will lower, revealing Stitcher Jim’s old hideout. Head inside to find Belle standing on the wooden scaffolding at the back of the cave. Speak with Belle to complete Chapter One.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (3)

Step 4: Speak with Belle

When you are ready to begin the next Chapter, speak with Belle again. Choose the CONTINUE ADVENTURE dialogue option to start Chapter Two.

After starting Chapter Two, Belle will explain that an ancient prophecy foretelling the rise of an Ashen Lord named the Herald of the Flame and Flameheart’s resulting resurrection could be coming true.

She believes that Stitcher Jim could be the rumored Herald of the Flame. However, before chasing him down, Belle wants to make sure that he truly is the ‘Herald.’

To find out, Belle will send you to Stitcher Jim’s last known location, The Devil’s Thirst. But, you won’t be alone during the hunt. Belle has sent a friend ahead to scour the island.

With your task in hand, jump on your ship and sail to The Devil’s Thirst to meet up with your ally. You can find The Devil’s Thirst in The Devil’s Roar at the map coordinates W21.

Step 5: Sail to The Devil's Thirst

Once you’ve arrived at The Devil’s Thirst, park your ship on the North side of the island. You should see Pendragon beckoning you on the beach.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (4)

See exactly where Pendragon is on your map:
Pendragon on The Devil’s Thirst

Step 6: Speak with Pendragon

Hop off your ship and walk up to Pendragon to speak with him. Pendragon will tell you about his efforts to find Stitcher Jim and determine whether he is involved in the prophecy. Unfortunately, as you might have guessed, Stitcher Jim is nowhere to be found.

To find Stitcher Jim, you must follow in his footsteps to discover where he went. To do so, Pendragon will give you his Enchanted Lantern. The Enchanted Lantern can reveal visions of the past, allowing you to track Stitcher Jim down.

Step 7: Follow Stitcher Jim's trail

You can find your first Reaper Scout as soon as you receive the Enchanted Lantern. You can find it perched on a rock just behind Pendragon. Raise your Enchanted Lantern near it to find it. You’ll need to uncover two more during the Adventure to complete every Deed. But for now, it’s time to find Stitcher Jim!

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (5)

With your Enchanted Lantern equipped, turn around and walk towards the tip of the North beach. You will soon find the first vision of Stitcher Jim carrying the cursed Chest of Rage. After Stitcher Jim finishes speaking, Pendragon will appear to tell us this is just the start of Jim’s trial. There are more visions to find!

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (6)

See exactly where the vision is on your map:
First vision on The Devil’s Thirst

From the first vision, walk South along the western shoreline. About halfway down the island, you’ll run into another vision of Stitcher Jim crying out in pain from his damaged arm. Pendragon will again appear and direct you to keep looking.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (7)

See exactly where the vision is on your map:
Second vision on The Devil’s Thirst

From the second vision, walk along the volcano’s base to the South East. You will eventually find the third vision of Stitcher Jim preparing his rowboat between some tall rocks and the volcano. Pendragon will appear again and inform you that Stitcher Jim’s destination seems to be Ashen Reaches.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (8)

See exactly where the vision is on your map:
Third vision on The Devil’s Thirst

Speak with Pendragon after finding the third vision, and he will give you an X Marks the Spot map for Ashen Reaches.

Before setting sail to Ashen Reaches, turn around from the third vision and you’ll find a Reaper Scout watching you from a nearby rock. Raise your Enchanted Lantern near it to find it.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (9)

Step 8: Sail to Ashen Reaches

Once you have arrived at Ashen Reaches, equip Pendragon’s Map from your Quest Radial. The map will have an ‘X’ and a Sun symbol on it. The ‘X’ will lead you to the Sun Vault Totem Key, and the Sun symbol will lead you to the Sun Vault, where you will use the key to open it.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (10)

Step 9: Discover the Sun Vault Totem Key

Head to the ‘X’ on the island and dig up the Sun Vault Totem Key. After digging up the key, Pendragon will appear near the entrance of the Sun Vault. With the key in hand, head over to the vault.

Step 10: Enter the Sun Vault

The Sun Vault is in a tunnel on the North West side of the island. You can access the tunnel from the West beach or the clifftop to the North.

Once inside the tunnel, look for several painted sun symbols on the wall. The sun rock paintings mark where the vault’s entrance is. Across from the painted sun symbols will be the lock where you need to place the key.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (11)

After you place the key in the lock, the vault door will lower, revealing a path into the vault. Before you head inside, equip your Enchanted Lantern, and you will uncover another Reaper Scout above the lock.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (12)

After you’ve found the Reaper Scout, head inside the vault with your Enchanted Lantern still equipped.

Once in the vault, your Enchanted Lantern will reveal a vision showing Stitcher Jim scratching out a symbol. Then, Pendragon will appear and tell you to look for clues around the vault.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (13)

The clues you are looking for are the symbols carved into the wall. You can inspect each one to decipher their meaning. However, the biggest clue lies in the first journal you need to read. The journal is sitting on the steps that lead to the altar. On the last page, you will read the phrase, “DEATH TO FLAMEHEART!”

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (14)

As you can see from the journal and Jim scratching out the word “glory,” Jim is not too pleased with Flameheart at the moment.

After you’ve read the journal and inspected the clues, it’s time to light the four braziers around the altar and solve the puzzle!

Step 11: Solve Stitcher Jim's Sun Vault Puzzle

To solve Stitcher Jim’s puzzle in the Sun Vault, you must rotate the four blocks to show the correct skeleton rune and submit your solution at the altar.

From left to right, the skeleton runes you need to use will form the phrase, “death to flame heart.” Once you have rotated the blocks to show the correct skeleton rune, enter the solution by pressing the button on the altar.

If you are not familiar with skeleton runes, don’t worry! Carved into the walls around the vault are various skeleton runes. You can inspect each one to learn what word they represent.

Rotate the blocks, enter the solution, and a stone door in front of the altar will lower, revealing Sticher’s Journal Note.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (15)

Step 12: Sail to Flintlock Peninsula

Equip Jim’s note from your Quest Radial and read it. You will learn that Stitcher Jim sailed to the Southern beach of Flintlock Peninsula to open Flameheart’s tomb. So, to continue the trail, jump back on your ship and head to Flintlock Peninsula! You can find Flintlock Peninsula in The Devil’s Roar at the map coordinates W15.

Step 13: Follow Stitcher Jim's trail

Park your ship near the Southern beach and hop off onto the island. Equip your lantern and head to the part of the beach just South of the white flag near the South crystal pool. You will find the fifth vision of The Servant of the Flame confronting Stitcher Jim. Pendragon will appear and tell you to keep moving to Flameheart’s tomb in the caves to the North.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (16)

See exactly where the vision is on your map:
Fifth vision on Flintlock Peninsula

From the fifth vision, walk up the path along the hill on the Southern isle of the island. You will eventually come to a cave entrance. Head inside the cave and make your way to the cave’s monstrous skull shrine. Equip your Enchanted Lantern, and you will find the sixth Stitcher Jim vision.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (17)

See exactly where the vision is on your map:
Sixth vision on Flintlock Peninsula

Pendragon will once again appear. Speak with him, and the large stone door to the tomb will open. Head inside and equip your Enchanted Lantern to find the seventh and final vision.

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (18)

See exactly where the vision is on your map:
Seventh vision on Flintlock Peninsula

Pendragon will then appear in the tomb. Speak with him, and he will send you to speak with Belle with proof of Stitcher Jim’s involvement.

Don’t leave the tomb just yet! The second journal you need to read is sitting by a pile of skulls in the tomb.

Step 14: Speak with Belle on Liar's Backbone

Sail to Liar’s Backbone and speak with Belle in Stitcher Jim’s old hideout. This time, choose the CONTINUE ADVENTURE option to let her know you are ready to confront the Herald.

Once you start Chapter Three, an Ashen Winds Vortex will appear in the East over Molten Sands Fortress.

Like other Ashen Lord World Events, all pirates sailing the sea with you can join the fight with the Herald of the Flame.

Keep in mind that there is a cooldown period before you can talk to Belle and start Chapter Three again. The cooldown is to prevent pirates from excessively raiding the Molten Sands Fortress vault for loot.

The time to fight is now, pirate! So, jump on your ship and sail to Molten Sands Fortress.

Step 15: Sail to Molten Sands Fortress

You can park your ship anywhere you like, but be aware that the volcano will erupt at some point during the fight. Therefore, you might want to park as close as possible so you can quickly fix any holes from falling rocks.

Step 16: Defeat the Herald of the Flame

Once you get near the ritual that will awaken the Herald of the Flame, the battle with the Herald of the Flame will start. While most of the fight will be familiar to those who have fought Ashen Lords, the Herald of the Flame has a few tricks up his sleeve.

During the second phase of the battle, the Herald of the Flame will summon hordes of Phantom Reapers to aid in the fight. Unfortunately, he also has the power to cause the volcano to erupt! So you’ll want to hide in the tunnel to the vault or go back to your ship to protect it.

After slaying the Herald of the Flame, head down the tunnel to the vault and speak with Pendragon. After you’ve spoken to Pendragon, read the third and final journal near the hanging cage in the vault.

Step 17: Speak with Belle on Liar's Backbone

Sail to Liar’s Backbone and speak with Belle to complete the Adventure. Inform her that you stopped the ritual. The final cutscene for the Adventure will play, and you will have completed the Adventure!

Sea of Thieves: The Herald of the Flame Adventure 8 Guide - Rare Thief (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.