Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

lit STAR-GAZETTE, Elmira, N.Y., Friday, March 12, Wit Talks start with property Owners for arterial acquisition ii 5 Negotiations have begun with owners of property in the center section of the City of Elmira for the north-south arterial, Lewis W. Hallenbeck, regional director of theDepartment of Transportation, has announced. "The center section is the first stage in construction of the highway, scheduled to $tart in the spring of 1977, Hallenbeck said. Persons who must relocate are being eontacted by the department's right-of-fray agents and advised of the relocation assistance programs available to help them to find new homes and relocate, Hallenbeck said. i The center section begins at the viaduct on Pennsylvania Ave.

and will then proceed northwesterly to the east side of, the Lackawanna Railroad right-of-way, then north along the slope of the right-of-way to the south bank of the themung River. As it proceeds north, it will intersect E. Jlenry E. Hudson St. and E.

Chemung Place, Hallenbeck said. The bridge over the river will be slight ly east of the present railroad bridge, he said. From there, the highway will proceed north on the west side of State and the intersections of E. Water, Market, E. Gray, E.

Church, E. First, Second and E. Fifth Sts. At E. Fifth the highway will bend slightly to the east of Baldwin where it will continue north on the west side of Baldwin St.

to Washington where the first stage will end. There will be a limited number of properties acquired on the west side of the Erie Lackawanna right-of-way, south of the Chemung River, Hallenbeck said. These are necessary for the construction of service or access roads to the arterial. There will be access to the arterial from Pennsylvania Erie St. and Hudson St.

There will be turn-arounds established on E. Henry St. and Chemung Place. North of the river, access will be provided from Water and Market Sts. from the east, E.

Gray, E. Church, E. Second, E. Fifth Sts. and Washington Ave.

In order for owners or residents to qualify for moving costs and possible replacement housing payments, their property must be acquired by the state, Hallenbeck said. However, if any occupant of an affected property is contemplating moving, he should notify the department's real estate pfficer at 93 Main Hornell, N.Y. 14843. This may insure eligibility for moving expenses and replacement housing payments, he said. A relocation office has been established at 105 E.

Henry St. It will be open Mondays from l'to 4:0 p.m. and Thursdays from 1 to 4:30 p.m. and 7 to 8:30 p.m. Gambling probe nets Elmira man Michael J.

Daddona, 68, of 1412 Baldwin St. was charged Thursday with promoting gambling first degree in connection with a four-month investigation into gambling in Onondaga County. Daddona was arrested about 7 p.m. by Horseheads Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) senior investigator Michael Capozzi along with BCI investigators Robert Burns and George Thompson, assigned to the Canandaigua state police, and Elmira police investigator Sherrill Miller. State police said Daddona was charged with the felony count in a warrant signed by Onondaga County Court Judge William J.Burke.

Daddona was taken before Burke for arraignment and then transferred to the Syracuse Public Safety Building where he posted $1,000 bail, police said. He is to reappear on the charge at a later date. State' police said 31 warrants were issued by Burke for individuals living in upstate New York. The warrants charge the individuals with crimes ranging from promoting gambling first and second degree to conspiracy third and fourth degree. 7 -f 1 9 units register for county BiCen parade at TANKS BUT NO TANKS A crane puts its hook ton because they are no longer needed here for onto a capacity tank at the old Dairy, production of cheese and powdered milk.

The: lea plant in Horseheads. The tank is one of two Horseheads plant is now only used for receiving moved out of the plant early this week to Bingham- and quality control. State help sought in writing code orders are being taken by the Chemung County Historical Society for a hard cover book entitled Chemung County 1890-1975. The 500-book is being edited by Thomas Byrne, and will include a summary of the years since 1890 as well as 32 topical chapters that deal with various phases of life in the county and the leaders of this area. Twelve chapters are the work of local residents with the remainder of the book researched and written by Byrne.

The book also contains 500 illustrations of the area ranging from downtown Elmira in the 1890s to photos of the new Elmira project. New York State's Division of Community Affairs (DCA) has been invited to help' draft an administrative code for Chemung County. Representatives of DCA met with members of the county's Charter Review Commission this week where the lines to state help were opened. Eleanor Steinholtz and lawyer John Dugan, of DCA, said their department has been active in counties establish charter governments and the accompany, ing documents. County legislators here must pass a resolution inviting the state division to help, work resumes soon and the county executive must start thai request through state administrative channels, said the guests.

Commission Chairman Carl T. Haydcn was also told that the earliest state help for code writing would be available would be summer or fall because of DCA's other projects. By the time state staff is available, the paperwork will be completed. Dugan said, however, that some staff asssistance might be available earlier to help the commission draft changes to the existing charter. Chemung County's charter, passed by play the roles of key members of the convention operations.

The college's radio-television produc Thomas G. Whitford, chairman of Chemung County's Bicentennial Parade, says 19 units have registered to march in the June 19 parade. 1 He said he is hoping for "many times that number by the time the deadline for applications arrives on April 30." Bands, military units, a group of amateur clowns and floats sponsored by various businesses and organizations have signed up for the parade. Members of two antique car organizations also plan to particpate, Whitford said. In a related development, it was also announced that pre-publication River park As the grass starts to grow in the first blocks of the new Riverfront Park, I construction should start on the second I phase between State St.

and the Lake St. Bridge. Bids for the second phase of the work twill" be opened April 7 at City Hall. It will Grand jury Three persons were indicted Thursday by the grand jury on charges involving a Jviarch 6 break-in at a home owned by Jidward Flannery on Mt. Zoar Hill Road.

Indicted on third degree burglary and petit larcent charges were David D. thrisjohn, 20, of 791 Roe his wife, Debra, 18, and her mother, Mrs. Roberta A. Camacho, 36, of 403 W. Water St.

They were charged with breaking into the dwelling and taking furniture. Police Isaid they caught them as they were items. Joyce Brown, 18, of 434 Jones Court was indicted on charges of second degree -assault, resisting arrest and trespass. The 'charges involve an incident at Elmira Academy Feb. 27.

Mock convention is Saturday voters in 1973, carries a number of' passages which refer to an administrative code for more specific guidelines to county employes, but that code has never been written. One of the most controversial of charter passages or possible changes being investigated is' the elected executive versus appointed county manager questions. Charter commission members, after two futile attempts to bring them together, have invited County Executive Morris E. Blostein and Legislative Chairman- -Stanley J. Douglas to attend the March23 tneetuig.

tion class will provide the media coverage along with coverage by the college's-' radm station and newspaper staff. pany's plan under Chapter XI of the-Bankruptcy law. i Artistic had been operating undSr; Chapter XI since June 1974. Since tfic reorganization the company has given, Bfl', its retail store business and is now in the; direct mail business. Artistic has "deveiE oped its own line of mail order products 33; supplement its private label sales.

ZH. "Even though 1975 was a successfRJ i year the company still has a working! capital problem due partially, to the heajy; debt loan prior to reorganization," Ha' company statement released this weCKi said. Artistic reports profits June 19. That contractor is Kottwitz Construction Co. of Corning RD2.

(Kottwitz also was recently awarded a demolition contract for the remaining buildings in the project area along E. Water St.) Second phase work will be more extensive, including a fountain at the end of Baldwin St. and ponds in addition to the grading and landscaping work, Hover said. Like the first phase of the work the second phase is estimated at approximately $400,000. The expected completion date on the entire strip park is Dec.

31. Home is burglarized Boyd J. Allen of 379 North Hampton Road reported to police the theft of an $800 diamond engagement ring from his home sometime between Feb. 27 and Wednesday. Police said the diamond weighed two-thirds of a karat and had between 65 and 75 points.

Costume jewelry also was taken, but its value wasn't known, police reported. The house was unlocked. Police said the ring was in a jewelry box in a bedroom. probably be mid-May before phase construction can start, said Leslie D. (Jake) Hover, director of parks and recreation.

Because of good weather, first phase work is running ahead, of schedule, he said. The first phase is to be completes! by indicts 3 City police investigator Duane F. Padgett was scratched, bitten and kicked by Miss Brown when he attempted to take her into custody, the indictment charged. Police said she had been suspended from school over a dispute with another girl inside the school. Julius Heyward, 17, of 257 E.

Miller St. was charged with third degree burglary and petit larceny in connection with a break-in Feb. 15 at Davis School on Lake St. David L. Jackson, 26, of 606 Jay St.

was indicted on a charge of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol Dec. 26 on N. Main St. in the city. He was convicted of drunken driving in June 1971 in Southport.

The Democratic National Convention will be held at Elmira Free Academy Saturday night. No, the site of the convention has not been moved from New York City, but an elaborate mock setup of the real thing will take place at EFA. The convention will wind up a three-credit political science course being offered at Elmira College. Students enrolled in the course, which is being taught by Al Winston, an instructor at the college, will play an active rolf in the classroom-nominating process. 1 Over 400 Twin Tier residents are expected to take part in the political exercise, with 300 playing the part of the 3,000 delegates who will be at the actual Democratic National Convention scheduled for this summer.

Members of the class will portray some of the candidates expected to be at the actual' convention, while several local residents will Artistic Greetings Inc. of Elmira which had its bankruptcy re-organizational plan' confirmed by Bankruptcy Court in November, reported sales for 1975 of $1,395,010, and profits before extraordinary items of i $135,005, or 20 cents per share. In addition to these profits from operations there was an income generated of $97,753 from the sale of machinery and equipment and also an income of $716,675 from the discharge of 80 per cent of the debt due the unsecured creditors. This debt discharge was as a result of the bankruptcy court confirmation of the com Elmira Free Academy names honor students The following students have been named to the honor mil at. Elmira Free- Michael Twedt, Marc Carrozza, Michael D.

Wheeler, Tina Spangler, Kathy Snowberg, Angelina Coletta, Susan Levesque, Cynthia Guinn, Richard Lisano and Kathleen Arndt. Lisa Hoskins, Lisa Deanna Watkins, Chritopher Semlcr, Maynard Chomenko, Cynthia Harbol, Anthony Johnson, Jerome Thomas, Donald Drake and James Grant. Steven Steinmetz, Terri Grover, Suzanne Mallow, Beverly Luckett, Sandra Smith, Denise Mason, Polly Merrill, Marilyn Schccter, Antoinette Capozzi and Jeffrey Chalk. James Narde, Mary Danna, Denise May, Beth Rolls, Jeanette Shepard, James Cole, Richard Knapp, Susan Culshaw, Eileen Kilcoyne, Ronald Doyle and Connie Mitchell. Paul Thompson, Theodore Klumpe, Susan Obuhanich, Salvatore Rosse, Kimberly Smith, Carol Baumgartner, Mary Lori Libby, Joel Morrell and Donna Notartomaso.

Grade 11 William Leskovec, Helene Shoemaker, Steven Isaac, Shirley Tobey, Mary Cornacchio, Linda Brown, Mary Kane, Marietta Taussig, Margaret Savino and Carol Woodhull. Cindy Bush, Alison Sherman, Deborah Forrest, Timothy Welles, Carol Sydney, Michael McCarthy, Georgia Tatsios, Anne Bartholomew, Karen Minch, and Steven Chesebro. Geoffrey Kelafant, Sabina Niesluchowski, James Hertzog, Linda" Worman, James Cleveland, Norman Learned Stephen Hoskins, Margaret King and Kathryn Kost. Anthony Pariso, Susan Wilson, Thomas Lambert, Mary Bennett, Paul D'Am-brosio, Elizabeth Hirsch, Vanessa Loucks, George Swan, Bernice Berman and Dana Simson. Alan Semel, Henrietta Brooks, Elizabeth Anderson, Sheila Earley, Gary Myers, David Preucil, John Godwin, Karen Bauman, Lee Daniel and Margaret Gerych.

Martin Shaffer, Bonnie Gray, Pam Belles, Deborah Campbell, Dorotha Lan-inger, Brenda Trumble, Wesley Mills, Patricia Caporiccio, Elizabeth Day and Marie Hilfiger. 1 Briean Pappalardop, MaryJo Mucci, Leslie Prechtl, Rebecca Lovell, Susan Wirth, JoAnn Carl, Gregory Fredo, Anthony Harpending, Penny Zettlemoyer and Patricia Hooker. Deborah Hess, Kathleen Houghtaling, Matthew Sullivan, Amy Blanton, Dar-ceille Crumb, John Schmidt, Barbara Graham, Neal Granoff, Marilyn Lundy and Christopher Powers. Michelle Knox, Valerie Rosekrans, Timothy Kain, Vickie Agan, Rose Roman, Elda Morgan, Sharon Currie, Michael May, Randy Polovick and Judith Ginter. Pamela Bailey, Robert Harris, Tanya Andreyev, Elizabeth Horigan, Ralph Foster, Kathryn Bravo, JoAnn Thompson, Richard Schrock, Thomas Thurber and Theresa Gallagher, i Christine Quail, Beth Snyder, Debra Brown, Donald Marks, Margaret Voor-, bees, Roxanne Hmiel, Catherine Yonko, Susan Grant, Linda Hoskins and Elsa Marker.

Liza Robbins, Eileen Flynn, David Anderson, Roxanne Buono, Ronald Foster, Lydia Hoffman, Michael Shcahan, Edward Steele, Eileen Rogers and Shannon Barnes. Thomas Magno, Mary Landon, Susan Rutzki, Cathleen Ervin and Matthew Schilling. Grade 12 Kevin McCarthy, Debra Poletto, Margaret Collins, Douglas Iszard, Kathleen Frosolone, Patricia Snowberg, Scott Horton, Gina Mustico, Elizabeth McDowell and Rachael Sadirtsky Patricia Troccia, Paul Lego Mark Nigogosyan, Scott Weaver, Maureen Fitzgerald, Anne Kane, Laurie Susan LuEllen, Mary Cantando and Carolyn Colborn. Christine Hentz, Katherine Gerych, Martha Grant, Dorothy Lindsay, Mary Marino, Mary Spaziani, Kimberly Butler, Patricia Dittler, Kevin Finnell and Joan Herman. Pamela Pipher, Laura Campanelli, Kim Seward, Joseph Losito, Carla Cham-berlain, Karen Pappalardo, Paul Nurnberg, Katherine Leskovec, Mary Dambrosio and Martin Reidy.

Edward Gribbin, -Robin Constanzer, Darlene Martin, Paul Sartori, Bruce Rosekrans, Victoria Brink, Mark Chase, Georgia Vichos, Gregory Michalko and Jeffrey Rosenberg. Adriane Leveen, David White Bernadettc Houghtaling, Elizabeth Sort-! land, Jennifer Blazar, Cynthia Kelly, Tina Vanllouten, Kenneth Dennison, Distelhurst and Andrew Lipson. i- Elizabeth Mannix, Stephanie Vuxton, Elaine Steinmetz, Anthony Cecce, Janette Rohver, Mary VanDuSen, Rosemarie Cirulli, Mark Vanosdol, Debra Wilson and Kathy Bennett. Katherine Brown, Barbara Hostrander, Becky Stanton, Beth Mashinic, Ellen Connelly, Delores Crumb, Mario Demichele, Ronda McClure, Priscilla Rohrer and Donna tee*ts. Anne Niesluchowski, Linda' Segatto, Robert Kramarik, Jane Myers, Lisa." Carlson, Pamela Hill, Beth Wilson, Priscilla Walp, Edward Sorgenfrci and Scott Worman.

3 Donna Mould, Marilyn Stuck, Rena VanHouten, Aida Bomysoad, Patricia Fitzgerald, Alice Birkholz, Pamela Miller, Debra Mucci, Sheila Wolfe and Patricia A 1 Lisa Cieri, Patricia William Bonsignorc, James Tuttle, Mary Cole-grove, Alton Colcy, David Avery, Amy Olmstead, Kate Epstein and Camille Gerstel." i 1 Beverly Kennedy, Angela Magno, Brenda VanAlstine, Carol Haflett, Mary Reed, Jose Fonseca, Sharon Conrad, Bruce Garbett, Claire Navone and Carol Elizabeth Robinson, Thomas Swan, Linda Hess, Paul Karski, Geoffrey Luckett, Charles Novakowski, Deborah Ostrander, Ronald Amesbury, Mark" Stedge and Cynthia Stone. Scott Thomas, Katherine Gottlieb, Colleen Kane, Judith Nicol, Kathleen Taylor, Mary Bellinger, Margaret Morrisey, Rebecca Strieker, Walter Gilbert and James Sullivan. Kim Knapp, Prudence Atkins, Lucy Cantando, David Schaar, Scott Strailey, Matthew Klinger, Michael Schiavl, Stephanie Elston, Patricia Biroscak and" Alise Learned. Pauur Lewis, Christine Anderson, Beverly Robinson, Michele Bacome, Raymond Christiansen, Thomas Drum, Mary Fusare, Amie Hamlin, Donald-Kline and Mark Anne O'Hare, Kevin Pruyne. Helen Sandore, Michele Sano, Elizabeth Voor-hees, Barbara Einsel, David Marks, Allan Watkins, Donald Holton and Joseph.

Shepard. Academy. They are: Grade 9 Julie Bryant, Barbara Borrelli, Claire Castellino, Richard Andrew Streeter, Karin Anderson, Michelle Crew, Linda Mills, Betsy Bucher and Toni Poletto. Pauline Godwin, Patrick Kane Timothy Burkey, Celia Pariso, Joy Parker, Kathryn Hodges, Sheila Smith, Paul Sydney, Greg Malanoski and Janice Hooker. Jeffrey Bailey, Charles ParsonsMolly Streeter, Anne Augustitus, Katherine Farrow, Susan Finley, Katherine Steele, Suzanne Drake, Janet Nathcnson and Catherine Vardakis.

Edward Sale, Lisa Girmindl, Tod Elkins, Karen ShepardChristophcr Hobler, Kevin Whalen, Amy Lovell, Kenneth Gibson, Susan Harrigan Anne Wheeler. David Rosenbloom, Thomas Polovick, David Lowman, Glenn Hoff, Richard Chapman, Jeffrey Epstein, Andrew Coccagnia, Joseph Lewis, Tamara Barrigar, and David Boyd. Myra Rosenberg, James Pirozzolo, Jonathan Kelafant, James Reed, Charles Smith, Chester Howell, Timothy Kane, Susan Nicol, Gerry Randell and Karen Wilber. 1 Richard Robinson, George McLeod, Eileen Moran, Gerrit Canter, Jane Distcl-hurst, Kimberly Kinney, Todd Thomas, Steven Beckwith, John Grandt and Lawrence Champagne. Anthony Sofia, Terri West, Debra Crumb, Peri Stemmerman, Peter Kenny, Beverly Schoonover, and Marjorie Cole.

i Grade 10 Jonathan Berry, Linda Lovitch, Margaret Siliciano, Miriam Novice, Sandra Stearns, Rasesh Shah, Jacqueline Breakstone, Michael Callahan, Janet Simon and Michael Weiermiller. Wendy Hurst, Christine Netski, Ralph Hebb, Patricia Suiyma, Korath C. Norin, Amy Prechtl, Mark Weiermiller, Margaret Rossman, James Prysak and Debra Jones. Katrina Morse, Peter Vichos, Sean Crosbie, Judith Rose, David Vesneske, David LuEllen Maria Shore, Jerome Kane, Judith Vanosdol and Mark Stevenson. Patricia Rupp, Arthur Streeter, Lorrie Walp, Jeanette Lindsay, Karen Gilmore, Michael Fisher, Maureen Murphy, Daniel Hoffman, Betsy Cumming and Timothy Geloso.

Lynn Houghtaling, Robin Wungh, Maribeth Krzesninski, Jeanette Evans, Lisa Sobkowski, Susan Malone, Thomas Niles, Therese Kujawski, Debra Lego and Lew Ann Lamb. Scott Rhode, Bradley Johnson, Mark DiNardo, Katherine Howell, Jeanne Pre-zioso, Laura Kelly, Glenn Schrock, James McMasters, Denise Rohde, and Raymond Minotti. Patrick Wojtyna, Nancy Klugo, Susan Kujawski, Colleen Rzengota, Paul Clark, Anne Ciccariello, Todd Jones, Matthew McCarthy, Richard Rees and Michael Whalen. Barbara Barrett, Brenda Bomysoad, Cynda Chamberlain, Nancy Drum, Barbara Michalko, Anita Hawley, Patrick Reidy, Kim Trigg, Kimberly Beiling and Debra Gerstel. Beryl Bucher, Leslie Garbett.

Elizaabeth Howell, Susan Constanzer, George Dickenson, Patricia Donahue, Annelliese Murphy, Anne Rudski, Barbara Sartori and Tammy Savoa..

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.