Rewind - Chapter 16 - Kytrin, ShotsOfSunshine - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī (2024)

Chapter Text

Wei Ying grinned broadly as he and Lan Zhan strolled through the Yiling market. It had been over a month since his transformation and he had truthfully never felt better in his life.

He had begun growing comfortable with his new core and power. The things about his new state that had bothered him so much in the beginning had slowly begun being normal. It wasn't weird that he was so much stronger than before, or his senses were wider and deeper than before, they just were.

Though he admitted that a large part of that comfort had come from how much he had used his magic lately.

Between helping Wen Ning, cleansing the interior of the Burial Mounds, creating the abyss border barrier, calling up water and other resources to help feed and fertilize the land, and half a dozen other projects he'd been kept too busy to dwell on his changed state any longer. And, if he was honest with himself, he liked it that way.

He liked helping the once dead and barren land be reborn and flourish. He liked rebuilding from the ashes of all the death that had festered for so long. It filled a void in him he couldn't properly describe, and he reveled in it.

Though at the moment, he was reveling more in his chance to leave for a while and see some bright colors and hear the chatter of thousands of living voices.

There was something energizing about being around so much life, and he couldn't help feeling a little like a junior on his first nighthunt again.

"Wei Ying is happy."

He grinned at his husband, who was looking entirely pleased with himself despite his general dislike of crowds, " I am!" He replied, "It's so energetic here Lan Zhan! We need to put more effort into building our sect!"

"Mn." Lan Zhan replied, "That is why we are here." He agreed, "Did Wei Ying remember the tokens?"

"I did!" Wei Ying nodded, pressing his hand against his chest where his qiankun bag was tucked, "These will really work the way you said?"

Lan Zhan nodded, "Xiongzhang would not have gifted them if he would not honor them."

Wei Ying smiled at that and nudged his husband's shoulder, "Remind me to thank Zewu-jun for this the next time we see him." He replied, "If I'd realized what they were when you arrived I might've tried spending them sooner."

"It is better Wei Ying did not. The Burial Mounds are much safer for building now."

Well that was true enough.

Though life was still only just taking root again in the newly cleared land, he had very firmly laid down the law with the ghosts of the Burial Mounds when he'd drawn back the resentful energy that had held the land for so long. The living were not to be touched except by his direct command. Any spirit that did not comply, would very quickly find themselves permanently dealt with.

At the time, he'd expected that, at best, they would leave him and the Wen alone rather than risk his wrath. At worst, he'd expected an immediate battle.

What he had not expected was a negotiation.

"This is our graveyard, my Lord." A young man dressed in ancient armor had said clearly, shocking Wei Ying and the other cultivators with him, "We have known nothing but madness and fury since our deaths, but it is still our resting place. Nor do we bear our descendants ill will. On the contrary, it would be… nice… to feel the sun again. To see green things grow. To watch life flourish once more. We have tasted some of these things through you. We know your vision. If my Lord permits it, we would assist him and our descendants in whatever way we can."

Wei Ying vividly remembered how he'd gaped at the young soldier for several moments before he'd regathered his scattered wits and swiftly agreed. He'd assured them that anyone who wanted to live in peace and would abide by his rules was welcome to stay. He'd even promised that he would ensure they had a proper shrine built so he and the Wen could show their gratitude, and when a spirit was ready to depart he and his cultivators would help them to move on at last.

In an instant, he'd not only gained the much needed help of a number of ghosts eager and willing to help with the restoration and anything else needed, he'd gained command of a devoted army over fifty-thousand strong. One that had collectively decided that Wen Ning was their commander and general thanks to his duality, and had quickly begun working with him to arrange patrols and remove the more hostile or truly insane spirits left.

That alone ensured that anyone building or working outside of the tiny little patch they'd originally claimed would be left alone.

"So what materials do we need most?" He asked excitedly, pulling himself out of his memories to enjoy the here and now, "Lumber, obviously, and stone. Tiles. Furniture?"

They had done alright cobbling such things together on their own, but their houses and furnishings were crude at best, and Wei Ying wanted to give his people somewhere more comfortable to lay their heads. Especially the elders like Popo. He had not stopped worrying about her since he'd realized how very frail and fragile her life was.

He badly wanted to ensure she and the other elders had a warm and comfortable place to rest their bones at night.

He just wished he was better at planning such things. He was good at drawing, but he'd never tried to be an architect before, and he didn't have the time to learn more.

"Mn." Lan Zhan nodded, "We should focus on sect compound first."

Wei Ying blinked at him in surprise, "Why? There's only six cultivators and over a hundred Wen."

And counting. He'd learned only a couple of days ago that more than one of the younger women were pregnant. A-Yuan was going to be getting several young cousins in a few month's time. Which was its own set of worries by itself. It seemed so useless to build something for himself first over the needs of the people. It seemed like an unnecessary luxury, especially since he was content with his cave.

He gasped slightly in sudden realization and grasped at Lan Zhan's sleeve, who stared at him with a wry expression, as if wondering what foolishness Wei Ying was getting into his head now.

"Lan Zhan, I'm so sorry. I've been a neglectful husband." He said with genuine apology. How could he not see it? His beautiful, handsome husband needed a nicer place to live in than a mere cave.

Lan Zhan was the second Jade of Lan. He was practically royalty and the beloved Hanguang-jun.

He was born wealthy and had never had to work or live in the poverty they had been scraping through for their time spent together.

He needed to make sure Lan Zhan was just as well and handsomely appointed as any other sect. Wei Ying would do all he could to prepare it for him.

"Foolish." Lan Zhan chided him, looking so deeply unimpressed now that Wei Ying thoughthis husband somehow had a direct line into his thoughts. He had gotten a lot better at reading Wei Ying over the past month and Wei Ying in turn had gotten very good at reading Lan Zhan's subtle expressions.

"Husband…" Lan Zhan began and something in Wei Ying trilled happily at the word leaving Lan Zhan's mouth. Husband. Because they were husbands.

Truly, finally they were, having eloped and taken their bows the day after they'd finally begun re-exploring one another.

He struggled to focus on anything else Lan Zhan had to say after that.

"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan spoke somewhat intensely, his fingers brushing over Wei Ying's cheek, "It is not for my comfort. You lived in Lotus Pier for years, there were civilians there as well."

"Well yes, but they didn't live there." Wei Ying began and Lan Zhan gave him a fond look full of love and affection. It made his heart race.

"In smaller sects such as our own, it is a common practice." Lan Zhan raised an eyebrow at him, "A sect is easily defensible. There are protections in place, and there are benefits for having the community live nearby as opposed to sprawling out when buildings cannot be protected individually against threats."

Wei Ying thought back to the ancient place that had once been built in the Burial Mounds, of the way the people there had formed him from their incessant need to spill the blood of their enemies. He supposed that was true enough.

He also thought back to Lotus Pier and the various barriers and protections in place that could ward off most enemies. His husband was entirely right. Such a thing would be the best option. However, there were other implications involved with building an actual sect. Implications he wasn't sure he wanted to explore. It was one thing for the Wen to call him zongzhu in the face of everything they'd been through together. It was another for him to become one to everyone else.

Unfortunately, he couldn't think of a single reason to refute his husband's logic.

Wei Ying bit the inside of his cheek and shot Lan Zhan a sulky look, well aware his husband knew his feelings about this, "Alright." He conceded reluctantly, "That makes sense."

They were really going to build a sect, huh?

He swallowed at the thought, and shifted his weight slightly, before deciding that if they were going to do this then they might as well go all in.

"If we're going to build a sect then it's going to be an impressive one, and we're going to have to pick a good spot for it!" He announced boldly. He could practically taste Lan Zhan's curiosity, however, as those golden eyes fell on him.

"You will not build one into the cave system?" He asked curiously.

Wei Ying chuckled, relieved that was all his husband was wondering about, "As fond as I am of our little nest, I don't want to repeat the mistakes of those who came before us. It's unlucky. And there are larger and better caverns at the base of the mountains anyway."

Besides, he didn't want just anyone able to get too close to his blood pool. It no longer had bodies floating in it, but it was also his physical connection to the Burial Mounds themselves, and the thought of anyone other than Lan Zhan or his closest family being near it made him want to growl.

Lan Zhan nodded, "We will study Wei Ying's map when we return."

Wei Ying didn't get a chance to answer as they'd reached their destination. It was a discrete enough place, but the Lan blue and subtle clouds were a giveaway to the affiliation of the merchant that ran the place. He stepped inside the place a little warily and was almost startled when he was immediately greeted warmly by a middle-aged man.

"Wei-gongzi, Hanguang-jun." The man bowed in greeting, "You are most welcome here. Please, come be seated. Your timing is most fortunate. I have no other pressing matters today so we may talk as long as you desire."

A little surprised by the easy acceptance, Wei Ying allowed himself to be escorted to a cheerful looking table outside where they could catch even the smallest breeze, "You were expecting us."

It wasn't a question, but the man bobbed his head, "Zewu-jun sent me a missive some time ago to expect yourself and Hanguang-jun sooner or later. I have been watching out for you ever since." He gestured, "Please, sit. My daughter recently made some refreshments for our afternoon tea."

Mollified, and a little amused by Lan Huan's thoroughness, Wei Ying smiled as the man nodded at a young man that was clearly his son, sending him off, and they settled themselves at the table. A few moments later a young girl of perhaps thirteen or fourteen stepped out carrying a tray of refreshments and tea and set it down before departing with a curtsy.

"Your daughter made all this?" He asked, eyeing the tray with curiosity, and picked up an osmanthus cake while Lan Zhan poured them both tea. He bit into it and grinned at the burst of cinnamon and other spices, "My compliments. She cooks like a daughter of Yunmeng."

"That is easy to do when one has lived a place all their lives." The merchant chuckled with obvious pride, "I will be sure to convey your compliments to her efforts." He took a sip of his own tea and eyed them curiously, "So, while Zewu-jun was quite earnest in his efforts to warn me of your arrival, he could not tell me what would bring you to my door. And although I have heard a number of very interesting rumors, I would not dare to speculate."

Wei Ying grinned around his own teacup, "I am interested in finding out what it would take to procure building supplies, and things to comfortably go inside said building."

The merchant hummed thoughtfully, "That would depend on the size of the building, what it will be used for, and how many intend to live there. It's far easier to house a mouse than a lion after all."

"That is entirely true." Wei Ying admitted, "Consider the numbers for a sect or temple then. One that needs to house at least a couple hundred and will grow in time. What would you estimate?"

"A large order." The man replied promptly, "And an expensive one. If it's assumed that all materials and supplies would have to be provided, it could probably be done in a few weeks if you are content with local materials. More distant or exotic materials would take longer, and cost more, however. And some of the finer details such as furnishings could take months to acquire depending on the piece." He eyed them, "Would you require other services as well? Labor? An architect?"

"Labor. And probably an architect." Wei Ying allowed, "If you can guarantee their discretion and steady nerves. I'm on good terms with Jiang Cheng, but I'm not interested in attracting too much attention or wild speculation."

"That is completely understandable." The merchant agreed, "Though I believe you'll find the people of Yiling more welcoming than you imagine."

Wei Ying blinked a little and the man smiled, "We have all heard the stories of what happened to you during the war and afterwards. We know what you did, what you risked, to get those people away from the Jin. Truly, only a disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang could have done what you have."

And the people of Yunmeng were ferociously loyal once the idea got into their heads. If the people of Yiling had collectively decided under his nose that he belonged to them, then while he would still want anyone hired to be vetted properly, he would be able to worry less about someone stabbing them in the back.

It made him a little uncomfortable to have all of those rumors swirling around him though. He wasn't entirely sure how true some of them were by this point, especially considering how the wilder rumors had ended with him being engaged to Lan Zhan.

Although, admittedly, that one had ended up being true.

"We appreciate discretion where we can get it. There are people under my protection and I have little interest in seeing them endangered. I would need to check anyone who comes in to see us." Wei Ying spoke calmly but firmly. The man just nodded in agreement and Wei Ying relaxed a little in relief.

"So long as you can guarantee the safety of the laborers, you will find no one willing to gossip among them about a client." The man returned, "The Burial Mounds have had a reputation in these parts for hundreds of years."

Wei Ying was certainly aware of that, although he wasn't aware of the full scope of the rumors, he was fully cognizant of how many people had been thrown into his abyss and ripped apart over the centuries.

"There is new life growing among Yiling though, could it be that the Burial Mounds are tame and the land abyss is gone?" The man inquired hopefully.

Wei Ying considered the man and gave him a lazy smile. He was not at all inclined to share what he was with an outsider, but had no desire to alarm him either, "The abyss is still there. It can't be uprooted. It protects the people there now though, so it won't kill the living unless they are invading or doing harm to the people there."

"Therefore it would be unwise for rumors of it being harmless to spread." He warned gently. The last thing he needed was for curious children daring each other to run up and touch the barrier at the Burial Mounds because they thought it was harmless.

Or the locals to come investigating because they thought the land was now safe for them. They wouldn't be able to get through his barriers properly and could even end up injured.

Perhaps in time it would be safe for them, but not yet.

"A reasonable warning, but I have your guarantee that the abyss and other things won't harm my workers?" He asked.

"The abyss certainly." Wei Ying agreed and raised an eyebrow at him, "What other things are you worried about that could befall your workers?"

"Big cats of course! Have you not heard?" The man asked in a hushed voice, "There appears to be a family of them that have moved into Yiling! There have been sightings in the area, it's been terrifying!"

"Any casualties?" Lan Zhan inquired and Wei Ying tilted his head towards him. He too wanted to know about that.

They had been receiving fresh kills from the cats nearby for several weeks now, but they had remained elusive and watchful. Wei Ying could sense their presence as they drew in close to the Burial Mounds, but they still seemed too shy to cross his boundary line.

"None." The man admitted, "They seem to avoid humans, but we are afraid they will begin hunting in Yiling. Leopards are solitary beasts, but these ones appear to be staying in a pack. It's very unusual."

"Please allow us to take care of the cats." Wei Ying grinned at the man reassuringly, "We suspect they may be spiritual cats and excellent cultivation partners, we will investigate this possibility."

"Truly? Thank you gongzi!" The man said in relief.

After that they got to work drawing up a contract and Wei Ying began to haggle with the man over the cost of supplies and material until they'd come to an agreement and a contract was in place.

They left with their coin purse considerably lighter of the tokens Lan Huan provided them, but Wei Ying was satisfied with what they'd bought. Everything needed for a proper sect, and all the help he could want designing and building it.

Now it was time for everything else on their list.

Lan Zhan looked at the list that Wen Qing provided them and began guiding Wei Ying through the town to see about picking up their supplies. Wei Ying got distracted several times wanting to buy something else, but Lan Zhan kept him focused. Likewise, when Lan Zhan attempted to buy something on the list without haggling, Wei Ying managed to step in before Lan Zhan simply bought things at an inflated price.

"Oh Hanguang-jun!" Wei Ying laughed, hanging himself off his husband's arm, "You would have spent all of our money paying full price for everything!"

"Mn, you would have bought all in sight instead, Yiling Laozu." Lan Zhan drawled. Wei Ying felt a sudden thrill at his title leaving his mouth. He gave an interested wiggle and pulled an unresisting Lan Zhan with him to a secluded part of the market for a little bit of ravishing before they had to go back.

Or, at least, that had been the plan until he spotted a family kicking a young boy out of a restaurant. The boy yelped as he tumbled into a container of rainwater and caught his arm on it as he fell, hitting it hard enough to leave what would surely be a bone bruise and a very nasty scrape.

He was skinny and while he didn't look homeless, there was a distinctly malnourished and gaunt look about him.

The boy winced and cradled his arm as he tried to roll up to the side. He cringed even more when a woman spat on him and gave him a look of disgust, "Stay out here boy! How dare you even come this way? Your mother isn't even here, probably finding a new man to give you a useless brother or sister! If you're good, we might remember to bring you leftovers to eat, but I don't want to see or hear you before then!"

The boy cowered in on himself as if afraid he would be struck, but the woman looked satisfied by his reaction and collected her portly son before sweeping him inside the restaurant with her husband.

The boy curled up outside the establishment, cradling his hurt arm and tucking his face into his knees, trying to stay as small and quiet as possible.

Wei Ying was moving before he could even think twice.

As soon as the foul woman was gone, he strode over to the boy and knelt down close enough to help, but far enough away he wouldn't crowd the poor kid, "So, what crawled up her butt?" He asked and gave the boy a kind look and a slightly mischievous grin, "I don't think it was you."

He co*cked his head a little as he raked his eyes over the boy's form, "Will you let me look at your arm?" He asked softly, "I saw your fall, and that looked painful."

"W-who are you?" The boy asked a little fearfully, though Wei Ying didn't blame him at all given what he'd just witnessed.

"Ah! I have forgotten my manners!" He exclaimed a little theatrically and bowed a little, "My name is Wei Ying, courtesy name Wuxian." He introduced himself, "You can call me Xian-gege if you like. Might I know your name gongzi?"

"M-Mo Xuanyu." The boy replied, his eyes wide with awe, "Are you really the Yiling Laozu?"

Mo Xuanyu. The one who would have sacrificed himself to bring him back in the future. Wei Ying's heart stopped at the news. In the wake of everything that had happened with the ritual he had forgotten all about him. Seeing him now, he silently thanked fate for giving him a chance to do something about the boy before he descended into that terrible sacrificial place.

Outwardly, he chuckled a little as he plopped himself on a nearby step, uncaring of dirt in the slightest, "I am." He agreed, "I hope that doesn't scare you?"

Mo Xuanyu shook his head, "Ayi is much scarier." He replied absently, only to cringe a little when he realized what the words might've sounded like, "Er, no offense meant?"

Wei Ying laughed lightly, "I'm sure to you, she is." He agreed, "Is she always like that?"

"No." Mo Xuanyu admitted, "Sometimes she's worse."

Wei Ying's eyebrows rose to his hairline as anger stirred in his belly, "Really?"

Mo Xuanyu nodded miserably, "She hates a-niang because a-niang is prettier and Jin Guangshan favored her for so long, and now that he's gone..."

Wei Ying grimaced in sympathy. He could well imagine. As often as he was reminded of his own status, he knew it had to be worse for a bastard born.

"Is there nowhere you can go?" He asked gently, "No family or friends that would take you or your mother in?"

Mo Xuanyu shook his head, "A-niang is the daughter of a concubine."

A double damnation if ever there was one. The children of a concubine were often legitimized by their fathers, but even then they often faced the kind of reduced status Jin Guangyao faced because of the circ*mstances of their birth. It was no doubt a very awkward situation for them to be in.

Wei Ying considered the problem for a moment, "I may have an alternative for you if you're interested." He ventured carefully, feeling the idea out even as he spoke it, "As it happens, I'm in the process of building a sect of my own." He gave the boy a smile, "It's not very luxurious right now, and would mean a lot of hard work from both you and your a-niang, but we could certainly use some extra hands to help build it."

He squinted a little at Mo Xuanyu, "And I can sense the beginnings of a golden core in you. With training, you would make a very good cultivator." He grinned, "What do you say?"

Mo Xuanyu looked up at him with wide blue-silver eyes. Wei Ying thought the boy really did bear a little bit of a resemblance to him as a child, although his features were finer and more delicate. The boy's gaze flicked worriedly over to Lan Zhan, who blinked slowly at him. He cringed away and hid behind one of Wei Ying's sleeves.

"Ah! Hanguang-jun! You're scaring the boy!" Wei Ying smothered a laugh at the startled expression that flashed over his face so subtly but was impossible to miss.

At least for Wei Ying. Mo Xuanyu looked as if he wanted to cry upon looking at Lan Zhan's face. Even dressed in rough cotton clothing, there was no hiding that he was a nobleman.

"Apologies." Lan Zhan knelt to look less imposing. He seemed a bit at a loss and Wei Ying smothered another laugh. Lan Zhan loved children and hated anyone abusing them, so causing children distress really worried him. "Mo-gongzi, we would like to help you, but we will not force you."

Mo Xuanyu looked up at Wei Ying for confirmation and a reassuring smile flashed over his face.

"He's not lying. Hanguang-jun never lies." He said with a wink to the boy. Mo Xuanyu nodded and took Wei Ying's hand.

"Why are you helping me?" He asked in a quiet, scared voice.

Wei Ying knew he couldn't simply say there was a part of him that owed the boy his life. It was far simpler to go with the truth.

"I grew up on the streets of Yiling myself." He confessed, "I don't like to see children being bullied here. Or anywhere for that matter." He admitted and gently bent down to pick Mo Xuanyu up.

The boy was absurdly light in his arms, even with his newfound strength. It was like lifting a bundle of sticks. It made rage lick hot in his veins and it took everything in him not to let it show in his eyes and scare the boy.

The boy's stomach gurgled hungrily and Lan Zhan quietly spoke with a nearby vendor to procure half a dozen dorayaki wrapped in paper for him. He brought them over and handed the bag holding them over to Mo Xuanyu who took it with trembling hands and wide, wet eyes.

Wei Ying almost lost his fight against his rage at the expression on his face alone.

"Lan Zhan." Wei Ying said tightly as he tucked the boy to his chest to keep him from seeing the glow of his angry red eyes, "We need to go."

He petted the boy's dirty hair gently to soothe him. Mo Xuanyu was relaxing bonelessly, completely trusting in Wei Ying's arms, but Wei Ying didn't know if he could be held responsible for his next actions if he didn't get away from this place as soon as possible.

The boy's aunt would not make it out of Yiling if he had his way.

"Mn, go on ahead and send Wen Ning down with the cart. I will collect what we have already purchased and join you soon." Lan Zhan said gently.

Wei Ying wanted to growl at Lan Zhan and drag his husband along with him, his instincts flaring up in a strange way that demanded that he collect his whole family nearby to wrap around and surround. To induct this small boy into their family and claim him with his husband.

Unfortunately he could also see the sense in his husband's words and he made his displeasure visible on his face.

"Go." Lan Zhan gently chided, "I will be there soon."

Unable to argue with that, Wei Ying grumbled and scurried back off to the Burial Mounds with his new...



He wasn't sure.

All he knew was that Mo Xuanyu was his now, and he would fight as fiercely for the boy as he would a-Yuan. And that was enough.

Fortunately, the trip back to the abyss marked border didn't take long, though his steps slowed to a stop when he spotted a sleek black panther with another adult, an adolescent, and two gangly cubs still in their kitten fuzz. They all perked up at his approach and the one who had to be the matriarch of the family stood up to walk over to him with a queenly look in her eyes.

"Uh..." Mo Xuanyu said uncertainly, and Wei Ying flashed him a smile.

"It's alright." He soothed him, "I believe these are our elusive meat bringers." He looked at the matriarch, "Am I correct in assuming you and your family are wonder cats?"

She responded by purring and rubbing up against his legs, which he supposed was as much an affirmation as anything, "I see." He eyed the group, "I'm afraid your timing is a little bad. As much as I would love to get to know you all better, I have a situation on my hands." He looked at her, "The cub is wounded. I need to get him up to the others."

The matriarch looked at Mo Xuanyu and she made a soft crooning noise that sounded like concern to Wei Ying's ears. She looked back at her mate, and he immediately got to his feet. He calmly picked up one of the cubs while she picked up the other and gave Wei Ying a firm look.

It was as if she was saying, 'Well hurry up. We're ready to go.'

Unable to refute that, and unwilling to argue the situation when he was on a deadline to deal with that repulsive woman, Wei Ying nodded and willed the barrier open enough that they could all pass. Once on the other side, he led the way up to the camp, causing everyone there to freeze in shock.

"It's alright!" He said hastily, "These five are our meat bringers. It looks like we were right about them being wonder cats."

"Amazing." Jingyi breathed in delight, "The only wonder animal I've ever met was Fairy."

"Yes, I'm sure this is all fascinating." Wen Qing interrupted impatiently, "But I have a more pressing question. Wei Wuxian, who is that child?"

"This is Mo Xuanyu." Wei Ying replied gravely, his anger coming back, "Lan Zhan and I spotted him in town when his aunt threw him out of a wine house. He landed badly and hurt himself."

Wen Qing's eyes narrowed sharply at that and she nodded briskly, "Bring him to my exam room. Did you at least manage to get supplies while you were out?"

"Yes." Wei Ying replied, "Everything on the list. Lan Zhan will need the cart and some help getting it back."

"I'll go shixiong." Wen Ning replied immediately, "Unless you need me for something else?"

Wei Ying shook his head, aware that Wen Ning was sensing his anger, "No. Lan Zhan and I will take care of the rest."

"Sizhui and I will help too then." Jingyi volunteered, "That'll free up Hanguang-jun faster."

Sizhui and Wen Ning nodded and Wei Ying gratefully followed Wen Qing into the caves where he settled Mo Xuanyu down on her table. He pushed his anger back down as far as he could so he could smile assuringly at the boy, "Don't worry. Wen Qing will get you fixed up. Maybe after that we can get some congee or something for you to go with those dorayaki, hm?"

Mo Xuanyu nodded as Wen Qing began her examination and Wei Ying settled down to wait fitfully. Part of him wanted to rush back down the mountain so he could grab Lan Zhan and unleash hell on those who had dared to hurt Mo Xuanyu, but another part of him insisted on staying where he was until he was sure the boy was alright.

It was not a comfortable sensation.

Wei Ying shifted his weight restlessly, needing both to stay and to go. Wen Qing shot him a sharp look over his shoulder, one that told him if he could not behave himself then he would see himself on the opposite end of her silver needles and promptly kicked out. He settled a little more, swallowing tight as he hunched in on himself.

He was not a patient man in general, his patience being stretched thinner by what he was, and these were hardly the best circ*mstances. He cut his teeth into his cheek as he waited, smiling at Mo Xuanyu and distracting him as Wen Qing inspected his arm, cleaned it and applied a little of their precious medication to the area before bandaging it.

"It could get infected, so we will need to keep it wrapped and cleaned carefully." Wen Qing said seriously, "If he develops a fever, or anything else, alert me immediately. But he should be fine."

"You hear that kiddo, you'll be fine!" Wei Ying smiled at Mo Xuanyu, who gave him a wide-eyed look, full of quiet awe.

He picked him up, keeping Mo Xuanyu cradled in his arms and carried the boy to the kitchen where he spotted Zizhen working on cooking for the sect's lunch. He was standing over a large pot of congee, stirring on occasion before he spotted Wei Ying's approach and almost threw his body over the pot protectively.

"Oh no Shizun, you're going to stay far away from this!" Zizhen waved a ladle at him as if that could truly stop him. Wei Ying smirked at the boy.

"What have I ever done to you and congee before?" He asked with an air of innocence and Zizhen looked distinctly disturbed.

"Congee was ruined for me for years after you got your hands on it." Zizhen protested far too loudly, "Hanguang-jun is the only one who can stomach your cooking, and no one here yet knows the true menace you are in the kitchen!"

Wei Ying gave an affronted gasp at that, "You brat! That's how you speak to your shizun?" He almost wanted to laugh at that and Mo Xuanyu gave a small giggle at their exchange. Although he quickly slapped his hands over his mouth, looking fearful over laughing at Wei Ying. He turned his smile onto the boy and gasped loudly, "Can you believe it? This student of mine calls me shizun but also insults my cooking? How rude!"

"Shizun has also guided this one with his excellent teachings to be truthful." Zizhen said and sank into a bow with his ladle in the place of his sword. He shot back with perfect poise and mischief enough to make Wei Ying want to bury him like a-Yuan to show him who was the boss around these parts. All of his kids were simply too mischievous and took too much after him! How dare this brat compliment and insult him at the same time? He loved it.

"You are annoyingly clever sometimes, aren't you?" He asked and set Mo Xuanyu down on a bench.

"Yes, I've been told that often." Zizhen smirked and turned back to his cooking.

"Can we get a bowl of congee for Mo Xuanyu here? He'll be staying with us and he needs something to eat besides the dorayaki Lan Zhan bought him." Wei Ying half-requested and half-ordered. Zizhen jumped to the task at once, but not without first pausing at the name.

"Of course Shizun!" He smiled at him and quickly scooped some of the congee out, "You're just in time! I managed to finish it right before you arrived, let me know if you like it, Mo-gongzi?"

He handed a bowl over to Mo Xuanyu with a sweet smile and Mo Xuanyu took it with wide eyes, no doubt startled that Zizhen or himself hadn't been punished by that little exchange and that he was even being fed.

Wei Ying's heart ached at that and he couldn't stand to hold still any longer. Now that the boy was with Zizhen, he didn't want to let his prey get away from him.

"Mo Xuanyu." He said gently and knelt before him, "Xian-gege is going to get your a-niang now, okay? I need you to stay here with Zizhen-ge okay?"

"Okay." Mo Xuanyu said in a small voice, taking a small bite out of his first pancake and looking at Wei Ying tremulously, "Xian-gege, you'll come back though. Right?"

"Of course I will, alright?" Wei Ying rose and set a hand on the young boy's head.

It was hard to judge how old he really was. He was malnourished and small, and regardless of his age he clearly hadn't known much in the way of affection. It was no wonder that he looked at Wei Ying as if afraid he would disappear.

He held up the three fingers of his other hand, "I promise, I'll return with your a-niang and make sure those people can never harm either of you again."

"That's shizun's serious promise." Zizhen murmured to Mo Xuanyu, "He only does that when he really means it."

Mo Xuanyu nodded and gave Wei Ying a tiny smile as he held up his own fingers, "I'll be good for Zizhen-ge."

Wei Ying's heart melted at the gesture, "Good boy xiao-shidi." He looked at Zizhen, "I'll be back as soon as I'm able."

Zizhen nodded firmly, and Wei Ying took off without another word.

He had work to do.

Rewind - Chapter 16 - Kytrin, ShotsOfSunshine - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī (2024)


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